White Rock
Events Society

We acknowledge we are on the traditional, unceded territories of the Semiahmoo First Nation and the broader territory of the Coast Salish Peoples

White Rock
Events Society

We acknowledge we are on the traditional, unceded territories of the Semiahmoo First Nation and the broader territory of the Coast Salish Peoples
We acknowledge we are on the traditional, unceded territories of the Semiahmoo First Nation and the broader territory of the Coast Salish Peoples


Breaching Orca by Daniel Cline

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Breaching Orca

A large male Orca breaching. Orca's are a favorite subject for me, I have carved at least a hundred Orca’s of different scale. Orcas are magnificent and beautiful, live in family groups that are matriarchal, hunt like wolves and preform ridiculous aerial feats seemingly for the fun of it! I never get tired of carving them. I feel blessed to live where they swim in the oceans.

Artist's Biography

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